Sunday, October 26, 2008


i really want chipotle right now. but i guess i'll deal with my almond granola cereal because i'm broke and really have no fucking choice in the matter. eating what you want and eating what you have really are two completely different things. i will be so excited when i finally have money to spend on food again. i'm taking myself out to dinner as soon as i can. no one is invited. i'm going to go by myself and order whatever the fuck i want and just enjoy myself. i'll probably just look like a lonely fat girl going out by herself, and i guess that's true, but at this point, i would kill for it.

the job i had the interview for the other never called me back, which is a major bummer, but oh well. i have another interview tomorrow at ann taylor, and lauren works there so hopefully they'll be nice and give me a job because she's nice. at this point, if i don't get a job in like a week or two, i'm going to apply at mcdonalds. it's getting that bad. and i never thought it would be. welcome to real life, i guess.

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