Wednesday, October 22, 2008


this video makes me very happy, and always will. this will be my child one day.
i guess i'm pretty lame for making two posts in like 20 minutes, but fuck you.
let's get to know each other. i sit at home everyday that i'm not in school.
i sit around and read. and read. and read. i read when i could be outside, i read when i could be doing laundry, i read when i could be cleaning my room, i read when i could be hanging out with actual human beings. sometimes i paint. but only when i really want to loathe myself. it's like a self-deprecation ritual i have. feel like shit? go paint something and make it worse! oh, and i eat. boy do i eat. i get bored and i have cereal. i get sad i have cereal. ok maybe not always cereal. i like toast too. speaking of food. i can't stop watching the damn food network. i sit around all day watching it, but have no food in my house to cook. i constantly ask people if i can cook for them if they buy some groceries, and they never take me up on it. i'm not talking like macaroni and cheese, i mean like real food. i really want to make these beef and veal meatballs stuffed with gouda cheese with spinache mashed potatoes. come on! the only person even slightly interested is chase, but even then he'll never actually ask me to cook for him. tv. i don't really like tv. i watch it, but i get bored so easily. i watch the food network. i watch the discovery channel, a lot. i watch the history channel too. i watch TLC and bravo because i like people to tell me i'm ugly and don't know what clothes look good. i watch cartoon network because deep down i'm really 5 years old and i love cartoons. i watch spongebob. maybe that's because i have a 5 year old sister. i like to tell myself that, but i know i watch them at home without her. we don't even watch cartoons when i go over to her house. i like to argue with people. mostly things that no one else likes to even talk about. religion, politics, philosophy, ethics. people think that their opinions are always right and true and moral and don't want to even hear mine. or maybe it's because i'm a pushy bitch who doesn't give a shit what you say because i think you're all fucking retarded. probably that one. i'm a crazy radical that should be kept away from children. also this blog is completely fucking ridiculous and i'm sure no one has read down this far. if you have, go kill yourself you have no more of a life than me.

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