Wednesday, October 29, 2008

just A DREAM

i had such a strange dream last night, and the more i think about it the less i remember it, and by the time i finish this sentence i'll probably have forgotten it already. yep. all i know is there was something about me owning a company and then this crazy love story like from a romantic comedy from 7 or 8 years ago, and people were judging me because of the way i did my eye makeup. who the fuck knows.

i fucking hope ann taylor calls me back god damnit. if not, i'm at the end of my rope.

i voted yesterday. it wasn't as cool as i thought it would be. i guess i didn't really expect it to be cool, but, this was the first time i could actually vote and i thought maybe i'd feel a little bit more excited. but then again, i've never really gotten excited about anything before, so nothing new there. i voted for barr, and i wore my libertarian sticker around campus so all of the crazy obama kids would stop harassing me, and a couple of them started to tell me where to vote and i said i already did, and they asked if it was for obama and i just pointed to the sticker and they looked at me like, really? haha whatever. just because he wont get elected doesn't mean i can't exorcise my right to choose. i was really surprised that there weren't more student republicans out electioneering, i know a few people, well maybe a little more than a few, who are voting mccain. they could have gotten more votes if they could have gotten rid of some of the masses of obama kids who were seriously stationed every 5 feet all over campus, shoving flyers in your face and asking you if you've voted as you're walking out of the voting trailer with your "I Voted!" sticker on. yeah, pay the fuck attention.

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