Thursday, October 23, 2008

awesome amazing day.

so i've been having a really shitty, well about 2 months now, and today, the clouds parted a little. i had an interview for a job that i could show up to anytime between 11:00 and 3:00, which is great, for anyone else but me. i have class from 11:30 to 3:45 on thursdays. well i decided to skip the class in the middle and head over there. i left my 11:30 class a little early because my english professor is completely in love with me, based solely on my brain of course, and lets me do whatever the hell i want in there. so i go to the interview, the girl thinks i'm great, says she'll call me either tonight or tomorrow to let me know whats up. so i go back to school for my math class, which usually is just shy of suicide because although i may be insufferably smart sometimes, numbers make me sick. i get to class, and he starts handing back our test from the week before. i'm literally expecting at most a D. i got a fucking B. i almost started crying i was so happy. then we go on to a new chapter, and i get everything he says, i don't need anything repeated, and i'm actually helping out the girl beside me. that NEVER EVER EVER fucking happens in math class. not since 8th grade algebra at least. not to mention, chelsea made me these amazing vegan chocolate coconut chocolate chip cookies and brought them to me this morning AND bought me a cup of coffee. and some kid from my womens studies class stopped me on campus today to tell me that he thinks 99% of the people with my haircut look like fucking idiots, but that i totally pull it off haha. the only explanation for how great today was, is the fact that i listened to Fergalicious on repeat in the car on the way to school. no other plausible reason, right? ;) haha OH SHIT, almost forgot. they were selling used books on campus today for 50 cents, and i bought two, in change of course. they smell amazing. not sure what they're called exactly, one is maaaaybe rational thought in an unrealistic world, the other is about consumer society in america.
high five to alex for having such a great day.